Why is EDSSI relevant?

The ambition of the European Digital Student Service Infrastructure (EDSSI) project is to create an IT infrastructure that connects the Erasmus+ Higher Education mobility programme to the digital single market of the EU.

The infrastructure leverages the Once Only Principle so that higher education students and staff are able to authenticate themselves and access all mobility services and information available with a single login. This will happen regardless of their geographical location thus, the project strengthens inclusivity and contributes to delivering the European Education Area1.

The infrastructure will spread the usage of eID.AS enabled eID in the European Education Area. Henceforth, the project will contribute to the common European data spaces and the CEF Telecom objectives by supporting enhanced and intensified connections and reliable data exchange among higher education institutions and third-party student service providers.

The new system is fully aligned with the ambitions of the European Education Area, such as the European Universities and the European Student Card initiative. Also, it contributes and builds upon a wide array of higher education mobility digitisation initiatives – the so-called building blocks – such as MyAcademicID, Erasmus Without Paper, European Student Card, EMREX, and Erasmus+ App.

Discover more:
EDSSI building blocks.
Kicking off the EDSSI project.

1 European Commission, Achieving a European Education Area by 2025 and resetting education and training for the digital age.