Building blocks
Consolidation and integration
EDSSI core infrastructure consolidates and integrates a range of ongoing digital initiatives – the so-called building blocks. Each block plays a key role in building the overall infrastructure, contributing with specific and well established services.
European Student Card Initiative (ESCI)
ESCI develops a comprehensive set of electronic resources to facilitate student access to Erasmus+ mobility management tools. It will be available for all students in Europe by 2025.
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Electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Services (eID.AS)
eID.AS provides a regulatory environment that enables secure and seamless electronic interactions between public and private entities and European citizens.
The eID.AS Regulation makes it possible for citizens and economic actors to use their national electronic identification schemes (eIDs) to access public services in the EU Member States where eIDs are available.
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eduGAIN is an interfederation service that connects identity federations around the world and simplifies access to content, services, and resources for the global research and education community. eduGAIN counts over 60 participating federations connecting more than 5,000 Identity and Service Providers.
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Erasmus Without Paper (EWP)
EWP is an electronic infrastructure that streamlines the Erasmus mobility management processes by introducing digital administrative workflows.
EWP - one of the cornerstones of the new Erasmus+ programme and ESCI - will become an integral part of the mobility management for Erasmus charter for Higher Education holders by 2023.
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MyAcademicID (MyAID)
MyAID leverages on both the citizen and academic identity federations - eIDAS and eduGAIN. It results in the creation of a unique eID to support the international mobility of students and allows for trusted user data to be transferred during the authentication process of e-mobility related services.
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Online Learning Agreement (OLA)
OLA supports one of the most important steps of any Erasmus exchange: the management of the Learning Agreement (LA) - a key document to ensure the formal recognition of ECTS.
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Erasmus Dashboard
Erasmus Dashboard is a tool for Higher Education Institutions to manage incoming and outgoing student mobilities, including learning and inter-institutional agreement management.
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European Student Card (ESC)
ESC introduces a digital platform to store and deliver student data. It facilitates communications between the information systems of Higher Education Institutions allowing for the European recognition of the student status and identity everywhere in the EU.
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