Easy to consult and always up-to-date: the EDSSI Knowledge Base

The European Digital Student Service Infrastructure (EDSSI) goal is to allow the safe and reliable exchange of Erasmus+ student data all the while ensuring secure access to student mobility electronic services and tools.
To facilitate the understanding of the EDSSI project, it becomes crucial for the European Higher Education community working in internationalisation, notably International Relations Officers, and Digital Officers at National Agencies and ministries, to have easy-to-consult resources at their disposal. EDSSI knowledge base focuses precisely on this objective.

Contrary to being a static repository, we intend to keep the Knowledge base always up-to-date and to provide the EHEA community with high-quality self-service documentation on several EDSSI building blocks.

We are currently revising and updating many of the articles of the page and you may have already noticed that, indeed, the sections about Erasmus Without Paper, the Erasmus Dashboard and MyAcademicID have been recently improved and are now more logically structured.

As more articles will undergo a revision process, we have prepared a User Satisfactory Assessment. This survey will not only serve us as guiding reference on the quality of the articles and guidelines, but it will also help us with the introduction of new, more tailored content if necessary.

Cover photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash